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Do hormone manipulations reduce fitness? A meta-analytic test of the Optimal Endocrine Phenotype Hypothesis.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mce.2019.110640
Frances Bonier 1 , Robert M Cox 2

Endocrine traits (e.g., circulating hormone concentrations, receptor expression) can vary considerably among individuals within populations. Here, we develop two evolutionary hypotheses to explain this variation. Under the Optimal Endocrine Phenotype Hypothesis, adaptive plastic responses to environmental variation generate individual variation in endocrine traits and allow individuals to express near-optimal endocrine phenotypes. In contrast, under the Ongoing Selection Hypothesis, individual variation in endocrine traits reflects varying adaptive value, with some individuals expressing suboptimal phenotypes that are selected against. These two hypotheses generate distinct predictions for the effects of hormone manipulations on fitness. Under the Optimal Endocrine Phenotype Hypothesis, all hormone manipulations should incur fitness costs, whereas under the Ongoing Selection Hypothesis, manipulating endocrine phenotypes toward a putative optimum should increase fitness. Using a meta-analysis of findings from experimental field studies that involved manipulation of circulating glucocorticoids or androgens and measurement of fitness effects, we test and find some support for the Optimal Endocrine Phenotype Hypothesis. On average, fitness was reduced across 97 estimates of the effects of experimental hormone manipulations on fitness. However, the fitness effects of glucocorticoid manipulations varied with the sex of the individuals being studied. Fitness was more uniformly reduced by glucocorticoid manipulations in males and when both sexes were considered together. In females, effects on fitness varied from highly positive to highly negative. The effects of androgen manipulations varied across males and females, and depending upon whether fitness was estimated using measures of reproductive success or survival. Reproductive success was consistently decreased by androgen manipulation in females, but was increased almost as often as it was decreased across experiments in males. When survival was estimated as a component of fitness, it was fairly uniformly compromised by exogenous androgens in males. This variation in fitness effects of hormone manipulations across sexes and fitness metrics is consistent with the expectation that hormones differentially regulate life-history investment and that optimal endocrine phenotypes differ between males and females. Overall, our meta-analysis provides some support for the Optimal Endocrine Phenotype Hypothesis, but we await direct tests of the Ongoing Selection Hypothesis to determine the degree to which individual variation in endocrine traits continues to be shaped by natural selection.


