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Built environment for physical activity-An urban barometer, surveillance, and monitoring.
Obesity Reviews ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-07 , DOI: 10.1111/obr.12938
Raji Devarajan 1 , Dorairaj Prabhakaran 2, 3, 4 , Shifalika Goenka 1, 3, 5

The Lancet Commission on Obesity (LCO), also known as the “syndemic commission,” states that radical changes are required to harness the common drivers of “obesity, undernutrition, and climate change.” Urban design, land use, and the built environment are few such drivers. Holding individuals responsible for obesity detracts from the obesogenic built environments. Pedestrian priority and dignity, wide pavements with tree canopies, water fountains with potable water, benches for the elderly at regular intervals, access to open‐green spaces within 0.5‐km radius and playgrounds in schools are required. Facilities for physical activity at worksite, prioritization of staircases and ramps in building construction, redistribution of land use, and access to quality, adequate capacity, comfortable, and well‐networked public transport, which are elderly and differently abled sensitive with universal design are some of the interventions that require urgent implementation and monitoring. An urban barometer consisting of valid relevant indicators aligned to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), UN‐Habitat‐3 and healthy cities, should be considered a basic human right and ought to be mounted for purposes of surveillance and monitoring. A “Framework Convention on Built Environment and Physical Activity” needs to be taken up by WHO and the UN for uptake and implementation by member countries.



柳叶刀肥胖委员会(LCO),也被称为“综合症委员会”,指出需要进行彻底的改变,以驾驭“肥胖、营养不良和气候变化”的共同驱动因素。城市设计、土地利用和建筑环境很少有这样的驱动因素。让个人对肥胖负责会损害致胖的建筑环境。行人优先和尊严、带树冠的宽阔人行道、提供饮用水的饮水机、定期为老年人提供的长椅、半径 0.5 公里范围内的开放绿地和学校操场都是必需的。工作场所的体育活动设施、建筑施工中楼梯和坡道的优先考虑、土地使用的重新分配以及获得高质量、足够容量、舒适且网络化的公共交通,这些公共交通针对老年人和不同能力的人敏感,具有通用设计需要紧急实施和监测的干预措施。城市晴雨表由与可持续发展目标(SDG)、联合国人居署第三届会议和健康城市相一致的有效相关指标组成,应被视为一项基本人权,并应用于监视和监测的目的。世界卫生组织和联合国需要制定《建筑环境和身体活动框架公约》,供成员国采纳和实施。