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"Unicorn from Hades", a new genus of Mysidae (Malacostraca: Mysida) from the Mariana Trench, with a systematic analysis of the deep-sea mysids.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106666
Qi Kou 1 , Kenneth Meland 2 , Xinzheng Li 1 , Lisheng He 3 , Yong Wang 3

Since the 19th century, oceanic explorations have confirmed that the hadal zone (water depth > 6000 m) is not lifeless, but contains many fascinating organisms. Amongst them are the Mysida, which is a group of crustaceans found in many deep-sea trenches. Based on morphological observations and molecular phylogenetic analyses of an undescribed taxon within the subfamily Erythropinae, a new genus of deep-sea mysids, Xenomysis gen. n., is described from the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench. The new genus is not assigned to any of the tribes within the Erythropinae, as our analyses do not support the current classification scheme of Erythropinae. The result of a molecular-clock analysis with fossil calibration reveals that several groups of Mysida have independently colonized deep water habitats in different geological periods, from Triassic to Cretaceous. In addition, ancestral state reconstruction analyses indicate the degenerate eyes in both Mysidae and Petalophthalmidae is a result of parallel evolution, and the reduction of compound eyes to both "single fused eyeplate" and "two separate eyeplates" occurred multiple times independently in the evolution of Erythropinae.



自19世纪以来,海洋勘探已经证实,海底带(水深> 6000 m)并不是没有生命的,而是包含许多令人着迷的生物。其中包括Mysida,这是在许多深海海沟中发现的一群甲壳类动物。基于形态学观察和分子系统发育分析,该基因是红海亚科的一个新科,即红眼病Xenomysis gen,在该科中未描述的分类单元。n。是在马里亚纳海沟的“挑战者深处”中描述的。由于我们的分析不支持当前的红藻分类方案,因此该新属并未分配给红藻属中的任何部落。通过化石校准进行的分子钟分析结果表明,迈斯达的几组人在不同的地质时期独立地定居在深水生境中,从三叠纪到白垩纪。此外,祖先状态分析表明,Mysidae和Petalophthalmidae的退化眼是平行进化的结果,并且在“ Hybrid”进化过程中,复眼分别还原为“单融合眼板”和“两个分开的眼板”的次数减少了多次。红藻科。