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Sustained effects on attachment security in middle childhood: Results from a randomized clinical trial of the Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) intervention.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13146
Lindsay Zajac 1 , K Lee Raby 2 , Mary Dozier 1

BACKGROUND Interventions have been developed to promote the development of secure and organized attachments during early childhood among children who have experienced early adversity, yet little is known about whether the effects of these early interventions are sustained beyond 12 months postintervention. The current study examined whether receiving the Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) intervention during infancy led to improvements in perceived attachment security in middle childhood among 100 Child Protective Services (CPS)-referred children. METHODS Children and parents were randomized to receive ABC or a control intervention during infancy. Children completed the Kerns Security Scale at age nine (Mage = 9.46, SD = 0.36). (Trial Registry Name: Intervening Early with Neglected Children; Registry ID: NCT02093052; URL for registry: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02093052?term=dozier&rank=1). RESULTS Children whose parents received ABC reported higher levels of attachment security on the Kerns Security Scale at age nine than children whose parents had received the control intervention, t(98) = 2.31, p = .023, d = 0.49. CONCLUSIONS Findings underscore the long-term benefits of intervening early to promote caregiving quality among at-risk families and demonstrate the efficacy of a brief 10-session intervention in promoting attachment security over the span of eight years in a sample of CPS-referred children.


对童年中期依恋安全的持续影响:依恋和生物行为追赶 (ABC) 干预的随机临床试验的结果。

背景 已经开发了干预措施,以促进经历过早期逆境的儿童在幼儿期建立安全和有组织的依恋关系,但对于这些早期干预措施的效果是否能在干预后 12 个月后持续存在,我们知之甚少。目前的研究检查了在婴儿期接受依恋和生物行为追赶 (ABC) 干预是否会改善 100 名儿童保护服务 (CPS) 转介儿童在童年中期的依恋安全感。方法 儿童和父母在婴儿期随机接受 ABC 或对照干预。孩子们在九岁时完成了 Kerns 安全量表(Mage = 9.46,SD = 0.36)。(试验注册名称:早期干预被忽视儿童;注册 ID:NCT02093052;注册 URL:https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02093052?term=dozier&rank=1)。结果 父母接受 ABC 的儿童在 9 岁时在 Kerns 安全量表上报告的依恋安全水平高于父母接受控制干预的儿童,t(98) = 2.31, p = .023, d = 0.49。结论 研究结果强调了早期干预以提高高危家庭的看护质量的长期益处,并证明了为期 8 年的 10 次简短干预在促进 CPS 转介儿童样本中的依恋安全性方面的有效性。结果 父母接受 ABC 的儿童在 9 岁时在 Kerns 安全量表上报告的依恋安全水平高于父母接受控制干预的儿童,t(98) = 2.31, p = .023, d = 0.49。结论 研究结果强调了早期干预以提高高危家庭的看护质量的长期益处,并证明了为期 8 年的 10 次简短干预在促进 CPS 转介儿童样本中的依恋安全性方面的有效性。结果 父母接受 ABC 的儿童在 9 岁时在 Kerns 安全量表上报告的依恋安全水平高于父母接受控制干预的儿童,t(98) = 2.31, p = .023, d = 0.49。结论 研究结果强调了早期干预以提高高危家庭的看护质量的长期益处,并证明了为期 8 年的 10 次简短干预在促进 CPS 转介儿童样本中的依恋安全性方面的有效性。