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Natural widths, lifetimes, and fluorescence yields for the double K-shell hole states of atoms with 10 ≤ Z ≤ 30
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.adt.2019.101298
Karol Kozioł , Jacek Rzadkiewicz

The natural widths, lifetimes, and fluorescence yields for the double K-shell hole states have been calculated for atoms with 10 Z 30. The Grasp2018 package was adopted to carry out a systematic computation of the Khα1,2 and Khβ1,3 radiative transition rates and Fac was used to calculate the KKKLL, KKKLM, and KKKMM non-radiative Auger transition rates. The dependence of the radiative and non-radiative rates on the existence of 3s, 3p, 3d, or 4s spectator holes is studied.


双倍的自然宽度,寿命和荧光产量 ķ原子的壳孔态为10 ž 30

双倍的自然宽度,寿命和荧光产量 ķ已为10个原子计算了-壳孔态 ž 30.通过了“ 2018年把握方案”一揽子计划,以系统地计算出ķHα1个2个ķHβ1个3辐射跃迁率和Fac用来计算ķķ-ķ大号大号ķķ-ķ大号中号, 和 ķķ-ķ中号中号非辐射俄歇跃迁速率。辐射率和非辐射率对存在的依赖3s3p3d, 或者 4s 观众洞被研究。
