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The quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language
Fungal Diversity ( IF 24.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s13225-019-00437-2
Slavomír Adamčík , Brian Looney , Miroslav Caboň , Soňa Jančovičová , Katarína Adamčíková , Peter G. Avis , Magdalena Barajas , Rajendra P. Bhatt , Adriana Corrales , Kanad Das , Felix Hampe , Aniket Ghosh , Genevieve Gates , Ville Kälviäinen , Abdul Nasir Khalid , Munazza Kiran , Ruben De Lange , Hyun Lee , Young Woon Lim , Alejandro Kong , Cathrin Manz , Clark Ovrebo , Malka Saba , Tero Taipale , Annemieke Verbeken , Komsit Wisitrassameewong , Bart Buyck

Since 2007, the quality of Russula descriptions has improved and the use of molecular support for species delimitation and the number of published new species has increased. However, the description style is not consistent and has regional or author-specific patterns. Most recent publications still favour descriptions of spores compared to hymenium and pileipellis elements, and usually only the spore size is provided with statistical support. This study proposes standards for descriptions of the microscopic structure of Russula species (Russulaceae, Agaricomycetes). We present the description template, the template measurements table, the specific terminology and the essential chemical reagents. The proposed standards were tested by mycologists from 11 countries who met at the Russula Microscopy Workshop in Slovakia. Descriptions of 26 species from 9 countries and four continents were prepared, among them R. amarissima, R. castanopsidis, R. seperina and R. subtilis are re-described and 15 species are introduced as new: R. abietiphila, R. amerorecondita, R. aurantioflava, R. echidna, R. flavobrunnescens, R. fluvialis, R. fortunae, R. garyensis, R. gemmata, R. laevis, R. madrensis, R. olivaceohimalayensis, R. purpureogracilis, R. sancti-pauli and R. wielangtae. Seven descriptions for candidate new species are provided without a formal name assignment. Pairwise comparison of species described in this study with available similar descriptions of related species suggests that microscopic characters from all parts of the basidiomata can be equally important for species recognition and they deserve the same treatment including number of measurements and statistics. The majority of recent studies does not recognise differences between the pileus margin and centre, but more than one-third of the species described in this study show distinct differences between the pileus areas, emphasizing the importance to specify the origin of pileipellis observations. This study proved that there is frequently insufficient difference in the ITS barcode between closely related species and that it is necessary to use more genetic markers combined with ecological and geographical data.



自2007年以来,Russula的描述质量得到了改善,分子支持用于物种划界和出版新物种的数量也有所增加。但是,描述样式不一致,并且具有区域或特定于作者的模式。与处女膜和绒毛虫元素相比,大多数最新出版物仍主张对孢子进行描述,并且通常仅对孢子大小提供统计支持。这项研究提出了描述芸苔物种(芸苔科,姬松科植物)的微观结构的标准。我们提供了描述模板,模板测量表,特定术语和基本化学试剂。提议的标准由来自11个国家/地区的真菌学家进行了测试,他们在俄罗斯的Russula显微镜研讨会。制备了来自9个国家和四大洲的26种描述,其中R. amarissimaR. castanopsidisR. seperinaR.枯草重新描述15种被引入新:R. abietiphilaR. ameroreconditaR. aurantioflavaR. echidnaR. flavobrunnescensR. fluvialisR. fortunaeR. garyensisR. gemmataR. laevisR. madrensis奥氏疏螺旋体(R. olivaceohimalayensis)紫罗兰螺旋体R. purpureogracilis)圣罗提R. sancti - pauli)维兰塔R. wielangtae)。在没有正式名称分配的情况下,提供了七个候选新物种的描述。这项研究中描述的物种与相关物种的可用相似描述的成对比较表明,basidiomata各个部位的微观特征对于物种识别可能同样重要,并且它们应得到相同的处理,包括数量和统计数据。最近的大多数研究都没有认识到桩头边缘和中心之间的差异,但是本研究中描述的物种的三分之一以上显示了桩头区域之间的明显差异,强调了指定桩头观测的起源的重要性。