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Illuminating the origins of two‐photon absorption properties in fluorescent protein chromophores
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-24 , DOI: 10.1002/qua.26086
Dawid Grabarek 1 , Tadeusz Andruniów 1

We provide here a structural impact on two‐photon absorption cross‐section (σTPA) for 22 distinct fluorescent protein (FP) chromophores. By employing time‐dependent density functional theory, we gain insight into two‐photon absorption (TPA) process by investigating relationship between σTPA and one‐photon electronic transition dipole moment and permanent dipole moment change (Δμ) upon transition. Our results reveal that for the S1 excited state, σTPA is proportional to (Δμ)2 in agreement with two‐state model of TPA process. On the contrary, the TPA spectroscopy of higher excited states (S n, n > 1) is much more complex. We do not find a main driving force of large σTPA that would be common for investigated chromophores. Instead, it seems that channel interference between one‐photon transition dipole moment vectors is responsible for enhancement or diminishment of σTPA. Our in vacuo results may serve as a benchmark to investigate a role of chromophore‐protein interaction in shaping TPA spectra of FPs.



我们在此提供对双光子吸收截面(一个结构性影响σ TPA 22不同荧光蛋白(FP)的发色团)。通过采用依赖于时间的密度泛函理论,我们通过研究之间关系洞察双光子吸收(TPA)处理σ TPA和单光子电子跃迁偶极矩和永久偶极矩的变化(Δ μ)转换时。我们的研究结果表明,对于小号1激发态,σ TPA与(Δ μ2在用TPA处理的二态模型的协议。相反,高激发态的TPA光谱(S n n  > 1)要复杂得多。我们没有发现大的主要驱动力σ TPA这将是调查的发色团常见。取而代之的是,单光子跃迁偶极矩矢量之间的信道干扰似乎是σTPA增大或减小的原因。我们在真空中的结果可以作为研究发色团-蛋白质相互作用在塑造FPs TPA光谱中的作用的基准。