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First-tier tribunals for mental health in England: are they fit for purpose?
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-17 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(19)30396-7
Sarah Markham 1

Compulsory admission to psychiatric hospital settings is widely regarded as both justified and necessary for individuals whose mental health condition is such that they pose a serious risk to themselves and others. Nonetheless, such admissions entail a substantial breach of personal autonomy. Hence a need exists for rigorous and objective judicial procedures to be in place to scrutinise and challenge continued detention and other restrictive measures under the UK Mental Health Act. In England, UK, the , more commonly known as Mental Health Review Tribunals, is a group of independent quasi-judicial bodies that have operated since restructuring of the tribunal service in 2008, under the provisions of the 1983 Mental Health Act and Mental Health Review Tribunal Rules. The First-tier tribunal's main purpose is to review the case of a patient detained under the Mental Health Act and to direct the discharge of any patient for whom the statutory criteria for discharge have been satisfied. A tribunal panel consists of three members; a legal judge, a medical member (usually a psychiatrist), and a lay member. The legal judge is responsible for drafting the reasons for the decision and for signing the record of the decision. The medical member will be an independent psychiatrist who, if the patient wants, will talk to the patient before the tribunal, but for the purpose of gathering evidence not managing treatment. The patient's treating doctor, nurse, and social worker will also give evidence, as can the patient themselves.



对于精神健康状况严重威胁自己和他人风险的个人,强迫住院精神病院被认为既合理又必要。但是,这样的承认实质上违反了个人自主权。因此,根据英国《精神卫生法》,有必要建立严格而客观的司法程序,以审查和质疑继续拘留和其他限制性措施。在英国,英国,通常称为“精神健康复审法庭”,是一组独立的准司法机构,自1983年《法庭服务》重组以来,一直按照1983年《精神卫生法》和《精神卫生复审》的规定开展工作。法庭规则。一等法庭 其主要目的是审查根据《精神健康法》被拘留的患者的情况,并指导所有符合法定出院标准的患者出院。仲裁庭由三名成员组成;法律法官,医疗成员(通常是精神病医生)和非专业成员。法律法官负责起草决定的原因并签署决定的记录。该医疗成员将是一名独立的精神科医生,如果患者愿意,他将在法庭前与患者交谈,但目的是收集无法管理治疗的证据。患者的主治医生,护士和社会工作者也将提供证据,患者自己也可以提供证据。