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Combining Transient Expression and Cryo-EM to Obtain High-Resolution Structures of Luteovirid Particles.
Structure ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2019.09.010
Matthew J Byrne 1 , John F C Steele 2 , Emma L Hesketh 1 , Miriam Walden 2 , Rebecca F Thompson 1 , George P Lomonossoff 2 , Neil A Ranson 1

The Luteoviridae are pathogenic plant viruses responsible for significant crop losses worldwide. They infect a wide range of food crops, including cereals, legumes, cucurbits, sugar beet, sugarcane, and potato and, as such, are a major threat to global food security. Viral replication is strictly limited to the plant vasculature, and this phloem limitation, coupled with the need for aphid transmission of virus particles, has made it difficult to generate virus in the quantities needed for high-resolution structural studies. Here, we exploit recent advances in heterologous expression in plants to produce sufficient quantities of virus-like particles for structural studies. We have determined their structures to high resolution by cryoelectron microscopy, providing the molecular-level insight required to rationally interrogate luteovirid capsid formation and aphid transmission, thereby providing a platform for the development of preventive agrochemicals for this important family of plant viruses.



Luteoviridae 是致病性植物病毒,导致全球作物大量损失。它们感染多种粮食作物,包括谷物、豆类、葫芦科植物、甜菜、甘蔗和马铃薯,因此对全球粮食安全构成重大威胁。病毒复制严格限于植物脉管系统,这种韧皮部的限制,再加上病毒颗粒需要蚜虫传播,使得产生高分辨率结构研究所需数量的病毒变得困难。在这里,我们利用植物异源表达的最新进展来生产足够数量的病毒样颗粒用于结构研究。我们已经通过低温电子显微镜将它们的结构确定为高分辨率,