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Jet substructure at the Large Hadron Collider
Reviews of Modern Physics ( IF 44.1 ) Pub Date : 
Roman Kogler, Benjamin Nachman, Alexander Schmidt, Lily Asquith, Mario Campanelli, Chris Delitzsch, Philip Harris, Andreas Hinzmann, Deepak Kar, Christine McLean, Justin Pilot, Yuta Takahashi, Nhan Tran, Caterina Vernieri, Marcel Vos, and Emma Winkels

Jet substructure has emerged to play a central role at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where it has provided numerous innovative new ways to search for new physics and to probe the Standard Model in extreme regions of phase space. In this article we provide a comprehensive review of state of the art theoretical and experimental developments in jet substructure. This article is meant both as a pedagogical introduction, covering the key physical principles underlying the calculation of jet substructure observables, the development of new observables, and cutting edge experimental techniques and searches using jet substructure, as well as a comprehensive reference for experts. We hope that it will prove a useful introduction to the exciting and rapidly developing eld of jet substructure at the LHC.


