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A characterization of personal care product use among undergraduate female college students in South Carolina, USA.
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-23 , DOI: 10.1038/s41370-019-0170-1
Leslie B Hart 1 , Joanna Walker 1 , Barbara Beckingham 2 , Ally Shelley 1 , Moriah Alten Flagg 1 , Kerry Wischusen 3 , Beth Sundstrom 4

Some chemicals used in personal care products (PCPs) are associated with endocrine disruption, developmental abnormalities, and reproductive impairment. Previous studies have evaluated product use among various populations; however, information on college women, a population with a unique lifestyle, is scarce. The proportion and frequency of product use were measured using a self-administered survey among 138 female undergraduates. Respondents were predominately Caucasian (80.4%, reflecting the college's student body), and represented all years of study (freshman: 24.6%; sophomore: 30.4%; junior: 18.8%; senior: 26.1%). All respondents reported use of at least two PCPs within 24 h prior to sampling (maximum = 17; median = 8; IQR = 6-11). Compared with studies of pregnant and postpartum women, adult men, and Latina adolescents, college women surveyed reported significantly higher use of deodorant, conditioner, perfume, liquid soap, hand/body lotion, sunscreen, nail polish, eyeshadow, and lip balm (Chi Square, p < 0.05). More study is needed to understand the magnitude and racial disparities of PCP chemical exposure, but given the potential effects on reproduction and fertility, our findings of abundant and frequent product use among these reproductive-aged women highlight opportunities for intervention and information on endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC)-free alternative products and behaviors.



个人护理产品(PCP)中使用的某些化学物质与内分泌干扰,发育异常和生殖损害有关。先前的研究评估了不同人群之间的产品使用情况;但是,缺乏关于大学女性的信息,该女性具有独特的生活方式。通过一项自我管理的调查,对138名女大学生进行了产品使用的比例和频率的测量。受访者主要是白人(80.4%,反映了大学的学生状况),并且代表了所有学习年限(新鲜人:24.6%;大二:30.4%;初中:18.8%;高级:26.1%)。所有受访者均报告在采样前24小时内至少使用了两次PCP(最大值= 17;中位数= 8; IQR = 6-11)。与孕妇和产后妇女,成年男性和拉丁裔青少年的研究相比,接受调查的大学女性报告说,使用除臭剂,护发素,香水,液体肥皂,洗手液/身体乳液,防晒霜,指甲油,眼影和润唇膏的比例明显更高(卡方,p <0.05)。需要更多的研究来了解五氯苯酚化学物质暴露的程度和种族差异,但是考虑到对生殖和生育的潜在影响,我们在这些育龄妇女中大量和频繁使用产品的研究结果凸显了干预措施和有关内分泌干扰物化学物质的信息。 (EDC)替代产品和行为。