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A rich tapestry of stories
The Lancet HIV ( IF 12.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-16 , DOI: 10.1016/s2352-3018(19)30297-8
Peter Ranscombe

One of the images that most acutely captures the heartbreak and pain of the AIDS epidemic in the USA during the 1980s is the AIDS memorial quilt, a collection of multicoloured panels sewn together, most of which commemorate someone who died from the disease. When the quilt first went on display on the National Mall in Washington, DC, in 1987 it contained 1920 panels; now, the artwork has grown to more than 48 000 individual 90×180 cm sections, with the NAMES Project (that cares for the quilt) having raised more than US$3 million for AIDS services in North America. The quilt has been hailed as the world's largest community arts project and—quite literally—also formed the backdrop to Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens, a musical performed by Showdown Theatre Arts, a part-time drama school based in Surrey, Hampshire, and West Sussex, UK, at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe on Aug 5–10, 2019. The musical was written by Bill Russell, with music by Janet Hood, and premiered in New York, USA, in 1989. Russell was inspired by both the quilt and Spoon River Anthology, a 1960s collection of poems read by dead characters, interspersed with folk songs.



艾滋病纪念被子是在1980年代最能敏锐地捕捉到美国AIDS流行的令人心碎和痛苦的一幅图像,这是一堆缝在一起的彩色面板,其中大部分是为了纪念死于该疾病的人。当被子于1987年首次在华盛顿特区的国家广场上展出时,它包含1920个面板。如今,艺术品已发展到​​超过48 000个90×180 cm的独立部分,而NAMES项目(该项目被子照料)已经为北美的艾滋病服务筹集了超过300万美元的资金。被子被誉为世界上最大的社区艺术项目,从字面上看,它还构成了天使,朋克和愤怒女王的悲歌的背景,由Showdown Theatre Arts表演的音乐剧,这是一家位于英国汉普郡萨里和西萨塞克斯郡的兼职戏剧学校,于2019年8月5日至10日在爱丁堡艺穗节演出。该音乐剧由Bill Russell撰写,并附有音乐罗素(Russell)受珍妮特·胡德(Janet Hood)的欢迎,并于1989年在美国纽约首映。罗素的灵感来自被子和《汤匙河文选》,这是一本1960年代收集的诗集,这些诗集以死者的身份朗读,并散布着民歌。