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Metabolomics Analysis of Nutrient Metabolism in β-Cells.
Journal of Molecular Biology ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.07.020
Peter Spégel 1 , Hindrik Mulder 2

The islets of Langerhans harbor multiple endocrine cell types that continuously respond to circulating nutrient levels in order to adjust their secretion of catabolic and anabolic hormones. Stimulus–secretion coupling in these cells is largely of metabolic nature; that is, metabolism of nutrient fuels yields signals that trigger and amplify secretion of hormones. Hence, metabolism in this micro-organ is in a major way in control of whole-body metabolism. Therefore, insights into islet metabolism are critical to understand how secretion of insulin is regulated and why it is perturbed in type 2 diabetes.

Metabolomics aims at characterizing a wide spectrum of metabolites in cells, tissues and body fluids. For this reason, this technique is well suited to supply information on stimulus–secretion coupling. Here, we summarize metabolomics studies in islets and β-cells, highlight important discoveries that would have been difficult to make without this technology but also raise awareness of challenges and bottlenecks that curtail its use in metabolic research.




