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Monitoring the transition towards a bioeconomy: A general framework and a specific indicator
Journal of Cleaner Production ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.07.039
Wiebke Jander , Philipp Grundmann

Monitoring schemes and indicators are currently under development to enable the assessment of the economic, social, political, and environmental impacts of bioeconomic transitions and better inform bioeconomic policy-making. Such transitions generally mean reduction in fossil resource use through innovative, clean technologies that can enable substitution of biogenic resources for fossil resources. The concept of bioeconomy transition is not yet well embedded in current monitoring schemes. Proper framing and a quantitative indicator for measuring the advancement and status of bioeconomy transitions has been missing up to now. This research aims to lay some groundwork for monitoring transitions from fossil-based to bio-based economies by adapting an existing bioeconomic framework and applying a newly developed indicator: the Substitution Share Indicator (SSI). This indicator relates bio-based substitute products to their fossil-based counterparts and accounts for indirect fossil resource flows, which are estimated using a bottom-up approach, based on life-cycle inventory data, and a top-down approach, based on input–output data. The innovative indicator is tested and validated for the first time in the case of transport fuels and plastics sector in Germany. The SSI in the German transport fuels sector is currently relatively low, at 3.1% (bottom-up approach) to 3.4% (top-down approach). It is even lower in the plastics sector, at 0.09% (bottom-up approach) to 0.6% (top-down approach). Major policy efforts need to be undertaken in Germany, focused not only on the growing bioeconomy but on substitution effects as well. Future policies should provide incentives for increasing production of innovative bio-based substitute goods, improving the fossil resource use efficiency of existing fossil- and bio-based products, and lowering consumption of fossil-based products. Such efforts should be reflected in the SSI and signal bioeconomy transition. Before the widespread use of the indicator for policy formulation and analysis, further advancement is recommended. A hybrid approach integrating process data into input–output data would be expedient for improving the SSI in terms of credibility, measurability and robustness. Linkage to relevant indicators for sustainability assessment of transitions is equally important for effectively monitoring sustainable bioeconomy transitions.



