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Adopting physical activity to help combat end-stage renal disease
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-05 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100908
Wilson Du 1

Wilson D u Alameda, California, USA Wilson Du is on Instagram at @RenalWarrior2016. I was diagnosed in June 2016 with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). At the time of diagnosis, I was 34 years old, morbidly obese, had serious hypertension, and I felt broken spiritually and physically. I spent the first few months following my diagnosis in a wheelchair, unable to walk, and bedridden for the most part. Since then, I have conquered many fears, both physically and mentally, and have used my mindset to become a ‘ Renal Warrior’ . I have trained my body and mind to be more athletic, and thanks to this mindset I have lost over 130 lbs (59 kg) since I was diagnosed. Currently I am undertaking haemodialysis treatment in preparation for a living kidney donor. At the time of my diagnosis, I presumed that a simple surgical procedure or taking prescribed medications would fix my health and situation. I was terrified. Initially, this news made me think deeply about my life, if I was happy, and how I would leave this world if I passed. I wanted to do better, but I also wanted to ensure I pass on some goodness in the world, both for my immediate family and for the wider renal community. My main concern initially was to find a way to lose …



Wilson D u 美国加利福尼亚州阿拉米达 Wilson Du 在 Instagram 上@RenalWarrior2016。我于 2016 年 6 月被诊断出患有终末期肾病 (ESRD)。确诊时,我 34 岁,病态肥胖,患有严重的高血压,精神和身体都受到了摧残。确诊后的最初几个月,我坐在轮椅上,无法行走,大部分时间卧床不起。从那以后,我克服了很多身体和精神上的恐惧,并用我的心态成为了一个“肾战士”。我已经训练了我的身心,使其更加运动,并且由于这种心态,自从我被诊断出来以来,我已经减掉了 130 磅(59 公斤)。目前我正在进行血液透析治疗,为活体肾脏捐献者做准备。在我确诊时,我认为简单的外科手术或服用处方药可以改善我的健康状况。我吓坏了。最初,这个消息让我深深地思考我的生活,如果我快乐,以及如果我过去了我将如何离开这个世界。我想做得更好,但我也想确保我为我的直系亲属和更广泛的肾脏社区传递世界上的一些美好。我最初主要关心的是找到一种方法来失去……