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Learning Curve for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection With an Untutored, Prevalence-Based Approach in the United States.
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology ( IF 12.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2019.06.008
Xiaocen Zhang 1 , Erin K Ly 2 , Sagarika Nithyanand 2 , Rani J Modayil 2 , Dmitriy O Khodorskiy 2 , Sivaram Neppala 2 , Sriya Bhumi 2 , Matthew DeMaria 2 , Jessica L Widmer 2 , David M Friedel 2 , James H Grendell 2 , Stavros N Stavropoulos 2

BACKGROUND & AIMS Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is widely used in Asia to resect early-stage gastrointestinal neoplasms, but use of ESD in Western countries is limited. We collected data on the learning curve for ESD at a high-volume referral center in the United States to guide development of training programs in the Americas and Europe. METHODS We performed a retrospective analysis of consecutive ESDs performed by a single operator at a high-volume referral center in the United States from 2009 through 2017. ESD was performed in 540 lesions: 449 mucosal (10% esophageal, 13% gastric, 5% duodenal, 62% colonic, and 10% rectal) and 91 submucosal. We estimated case volumes required to achieve accepted proficiency benchmarks (>90% for en bloc resection and >80% for histologic margin-negative (R0) resection) and resection speeds >9cm2/hr. RESULTS Pathology analysis of mucosal lesions identified 95 carcinomas, 346 premalignant lesions, and 8 others; the rate of en bloc resection increased from 76% in block 1 (50 cases) to a plateau of 98% after block 5 (250 cases). The rate of R0 resection improved from 45% in block 1 to >80% after block 5 (250 cases) and ∼95% after block 8 (400 cases). Based on cumulative sum analysis, approximately 170, 150, and 280 ESDs are required to consistently achieve a resection speed >9cm2/hr in esophagus, stomach, and colon, respectively. CONCLUSIONS In an analysis of ESDs performed at a large referral center in the United States, we found that an untutored, prevalence-based approach allowed operators to achieve all proficiency benchmarks after ∼250 cases. Compared with Asia, ESD requires more time to learn in the West, where the untutored, prevalence-based approach requires resection of challenging lesions, such as colon lesions and previously manipulated lesions, in early stages of training.



背景与目的 内窥镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)在亚洲广泛用于切除早期胃肠道肿瘤,但在西方国家使用 ESD 是有限的。我们在美国的一个大容量转诊中心收集了关于 ESD 学习曲线的数据,以指导美洲和欧洲培训计划的发展。方法 我们对 2009 年至 2017 年在美国一个高容量转诊中心由一名操作员进行的连续 ESD 进行了回顾性分析。 ESD 在 540 个病变中进行:449 个粘膜(10% 食管,13% 胃,5%十二指肠、62% 结肠和 10% 直肠)和 91 黏膜下。我们估计了达到可接受的熟练程度基准所需的病例数(整块切除 >90%,组织学切缘阴性 (R0) 切除 >80%)和切除速度 > 9 平方厘米/小时。结果 粘膜病变的病理学分析确定了 95 例癌、346 例癌前病变和 8 例;整块切除率从块 1(50 例)的 76% 增加到块 5(250 例)后的 98%。R0 切除率从块 1 的 45% 提高到块 5(250 例)后的 >80% 和块 8(400 例)后的约 95%。根据累积总和分析,分别需要大约 170、150 和 280 次 ESD 才能在食道、胃和结肠中始终达到 >9cm2/hr 的切除速度。结论 在对美国一家大型转诊中心进行的 ESD 分析中,我们发现一种未经指导的、基于患病率的方法允许操作员在 250 例左右后达到所有熟练程度基准。与亚洲相比,ESD 需要更多时间在西方学习,