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Characteristics of endophytic fungi from Polygonum hydropiper suggest potential application for P-phytoextraction
Fungal Ecology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2019.05.001
Daihua Ye , Tingxuan Li , Yuanjun Yi , Xizhou Zhang , Likou Zou

Endophytes may play important roles in phytoremediation; however, little information is available on the endophytes of phosphorus (P)-accumulating plants and their potential application in P-phytoextraction. Here, 30 endophytic fungi were isolated from Polygonum hydropiper and classified into 24 taxonomic groups, with 76.7% being Ascomycota and 23.3% being Basidiomycota. Metarhizium anisopliae, Guignardia mangiferae and Phaeophlebiopsis peniophoroides were the dominant species. The Simpson and Shannon diversity indices were higher in shoots than in roots. The isolates had varied plant-growth-promoting traits with all being indole-3-acetic acid positive and only 18 exhibiting siderophore activities. P solubilization capability varied with fungal species and P sources; it correlated negatively with pH but positively with organic acids in a tricalcium phosphate medium. However, in a phytin medium, it did not correlate with pH, but positively with phosphatase activities. Five endophytes were found to have the greatest potential as inoculants to assist P. hydropiper in future P-phytoextraction studies.



内生菌可能在植物修复中发挥重要作用;但是,关于磷(P)积累植物的内生菌及其在P植物提取中的潜在应用的信息很少。在此,从何首乌中分离出30种内生真菌并将其分类为24个分类组,其中76.7%为子囊菌,23.3%为担子菌。金龟子绿僵菌Guignardia芒果Phaeophlebiopsis peniophoroides是优势种。茎中的辛普森和香农多样性指数高于根。分离株具有多种促进植物生长的性状,全部为吲哚-3-乙酸阳性,仅18个具有铁载体活性。磷的溶解能力随真菌种类和磷源的不同而不同。在磷酸三钙介质中,它与pH呈负相关,但与有机酸呈正相关。但是,在植物素培养基中,它与pH无关,但与磷酸酶活性呈正相关。发现五种内生菌有可能在未来的P植物提取研究中作为协助P. hydropiper的孕育剂最大潜力。
