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Asthma patients' perception on their care pathway: a qualitative study.
npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s41533-019-0121-2
Anissa Hannane 1 , Lilia Misane 1 , Gilles Devouassoux 2, 3 , Cyrille Colin 4, 5 , Laurent Letrilliart 1, 5

Because of insufficient asthma control in many patients, the collaboration between stakeholders is regarded as a promising strategy to improve asthma outcomes. This study explored the perceptions of French adult asthma patients on their care pathway. We conducted a qualitative study based on the interviews of 30 asthma patients aged 18-40 years, recruited in French primary care. We performed a thematic analysis of the data collected, using the NVivo software. According to the patients, the stakeholders involved in asthma management included those visible to healthcare professionals (patient, general practitioner, specialist(s), pharmacist, physiotherapist, family and friends) and those concealed by the patients (complementary and alternative practitioners); other stakeholders, such as nurses and occupational physicians, were not involved. Asthma management at diagnosis and follow-up phases proved to be unstructured, and were associated with poor patient education. This was supported by patients' ambivalence (in relation to illness and treatments), poor communication between patients and healthcare professionals (lack of listening and use of inappropriate vocabulary by physicians, underreporting of alternative medicine use by patients) and weak cooperation between professionals (limited to interaction between the general practitioner and the specialist, either pulmonologist or allergist). Asthma management would probably benefit from a more coordinated care pathway at each phase of the disease that is consistent with the expectations and goals of the patients. It should be based on improved organization (involvement of other healthcare professionals and the patient as partners) and processes (regular follow-up, specific tools such as peak flow meter or action plan).


