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From septicemia to sepsis 3.0—from Ignaz Semmelweis to Louis Pasteur
Genes and Immunity ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-22 , DOI: 10.1038/s41435-019-0063-2
Jean-Marc Cavaillon , Fabrice Chrétien

Sepsis remains a contemporary threat, and its frequency remains high amongst an aging population. Its definition has been regularly revisited, but the impact of the translational research studying it remains very modest compared to the results seen after the introduction of hygiene and the use of antibiotics. In the past, the main forms of sepsis were hospital gangrene (also known as nosocomial fever or putrid fever) that affected the wounded, and puerperal fever that affected women shortly after delivery. In 1858, Armand Trousseau stated that these two pathologies were identical. Lucrezia Borgia, who died in 1519, is undoubtedly the most famous woman to die from puerperal fever. The notion of sepsis as a real epidemic was deplored. For decades doctors remained deaf to the recommendations of their clairvoyant colleagues who advocated for the use of hygienic measures. It was as early as 1795 that Alexander Gordon (UK) and later in 1843, Oliver Holmes (USA), called for the use of hygienic practices. In 1847, Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician, provided an irrefutable demonstration of the importance of hygiene in the prevention of contamination by the hands of the practitioners. But Ignaz Semmelweis’ life was a tragedy, his fight against the medical nomenklatura was a tragedy, and his death was a tragedy! Nowadays, Ignaz Semmelweis is receiving the honor that he deserves, but never received during his life. Carl Mayrhofer, Victor Feltz, and Léon Coze were the first to associate the presence of bacteria with sepsis. These observations were confirmed by Louis Pasteur who, thanks to his prestige, had a great influence on how to undertake measures to prevent infections. He inspired Joseph Lister who reduced mortality associated with surgery, particularly amputation, by utilizing antiseptic methods.


从败血症到败血症3.0-从Ignaz Semmelweis到Louis Pasteur

脓毒症仍然是当代的威胁,在老龄化人群中败血症的发生率仍然很高。它的定义已得到定期重新审视,但与引入卫生和使用抗生素后的结果相比,研究它的翻译研究的影响仍然很小。过去,败血症的主要形式是影响伤员的医院坏疽(也称为医院热或腐烂热),以及分娩后不久影响妇女的产褥热。1858年,阿曼德·特鲁索(Armand Trousseau)指出,这两种病理是相同的。Lucrezia Borgia死于1519年,无疑是死于产褥热的最著名的女人。败血症是一种真正的流行病,对此感到遗憾。几十年来,医生对他们提倡使用卫生措施的千里眼的同事们的建议充耳不闻。早在1795年,英国的亚历山大·戈登(Alexander Gordon)以及后来的美国1843年的奥利弗·霍姆斯(Oliver Holmes)便开始呼吁采用卫生习惯。1847年,匈牙利医师Ignaz Semmelweis提出了无可辩驳的证明,即卫生对于预防从业人员的污染至关重要。但是伊格纳兹·塞梅尔维斯(Ignaz Semmelweis)的一生是一场悲剧,他与医学nomenklatura的斗争是一场悲剧,而他的死亡则是一场悲剧!如今,伊格纳兹·塞梅尔维斯(Ignaz Semmelweis)获得了应得的荣誉,但一生中从未获得过。卡尔·迈尔霍夫(Carl Mayrhofer),维克多·费尔兹(Victor Feltz)和莱昂·科兹(LéonCoze)率先将细菌的存在与败血症相关联。这些观察结果得到了路易斯·巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)的证实,他 由于他的声望,对如何采取预防感染的措施产生了重大影响。他启发了约瑟夫·李斯特(Joseph Lister),他利用防腐方法降低了与手术有关的死亡率,尤其是截肢手术。
