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Broadening the Perspective on Emotional Contagion and Emotional Mimicry: The Correction Hypothesis
Perspectives on Psychological Science ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1745691618808523
Monika Wróbel 1 , Kamil K. Imbir 2

Much empirical evidence shows that moods and emotions spread between people (for a review, see Hatfield, Carpenter, & Rapson, 2014). This commonly observed phenomenon—of emotional experience in a receiver being influenced by emotions expressed by a sender—has been researched under many labels, such as emotional contagion (Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, 1994), emotional transfer (Parkinson, 2011), the social induction of affect (Epstude & Mussweiler, 2009; McIntosh, Druckman, & Zajonc, 1994), or affective linkage (Elfenbein, 2014). The first of these labels, based on a metaphor borrowed from medicine, has gained much more popularity than others. Hatfield et al. (1994) promoted the term to highlight the resemblance between emotions and germs, both of which spread automatically, typically making the sender and the receiver unaware that the “infection” has taken place. They also explained the automaticity of emotional contagion, noting that the process involves two reflexlike mechanisms: First, the receiver unintentionally imitates the sender’s emotional expression, which is referred to as emotional mimicry; second, afferent feedback from such mimicry elicits the same emotional state in the receiver.



许多经验证据表明,情绪和情感在人与人之间传播(有关综述,请参见Hatfield,Carpenter和Rapson,2014年)。这种普遍观察到的现象-接收者的情感体验受到发送者表达的情感的影响-已经在许多标签下进行了研究,例如情感传染(Hatfield,Cacioppo和Rapson,1994年),情感转移(Parkinson,2011年),情感社会归纳(Epstude和Mussweiler,2009; McIntosh,Druckman和Zajonc,1994)或情感联系(Elfenbein,2014年)。这些标签中的第一个以从医学中借来的隐喻为基础,比其他标签更受欢迎。哈特菲尔德(Hatfield)等人。(1994年)提倡用这一术语来强调情绪和细菌之间的相似性,两者都自动传播,通常使发送者和接收者不知道发生了“感染”。他们还解释了情绪传染的自动性,指出该过程涉及两种反射机制:首先,接收者无意中模仿了发送者的情绪表达,这被称为情绪模仿。其次,来自这种模仿的传入反馈在接收者中引起了相同的情绪状态。