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Women in Academic Science: Experimental Findings From Hiring Studies
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-28 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2017.1396462
Stephen J. Ceci 1

Although women are underrepresented in the most mathematically intensive fields, the gender gap in these fields has narrowed over the past 2 decades. In my E. L. Thorndike address I summarized the temporal trends in sex differences for 8 fields and considered factors that drive both the underrepresentation of women and its recent narrowing. I reviewed evidence concerning sex differences in mathematical and spatial aptitude, biases in hiring, funding, publishing, remuneration, and promotion, and gendered preferences. I conclude that the most important causes of underrepresentation appear to occur before women matriculate in college and are concerned with ability-related beliefs, stereotypes, and preferences starting in early elementary school, which by the end of high school have reduced the size of the potential pool. By the time women reach graduate school, there is evidence that they are as successful as their male counterparts in being interviewed and hired for tenure-track positions, funded, and published.



尽管在数学密集度最高的领域中女性人数不足,但在过去的20年中,这些领域的性别差距有所缩小。在EL Thorndike的演讲中,我总结了8个领域的性别差异的时间趋势,并考虑了导致女性代表性不足及其近期范围缩小的因素。我回顾了有关数学和空间才能方面的性别差异,招聘,资金,出版,薪酬和晋升方面的偏见以及性别偏爱的证据。我得出的结论是,代表性不足的最重要原因似乎是在大学入学的女性之前发生的,并且与能力相关的信念,陈规定型观念和从初等学校开始的偏爱有关,到高中结束时,这已经减少了潜在的人际关系的大小。水池。