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Consensus Building With Individual Consistency Control in Group Decision Making
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 7-13-2018 , DOI: 10.1109/tfuzz.2018.2856125
Cong-Cong Li , Rosa M. Rodriguez , Luis Martinez , Yucheng Dong , Francisco Herrera

The individual consistency and the consensus degree are two basic measures to conduct group decision making with reciprocal preference relations. The existing frameworks to manage individual consistency and consensus degree have been investigated intensively and follow a common resolution scheme composed by the two phases: the consistency improving process, and the consensus reaching process. But in these frameworks, the individual consistency will often be destroyed in the consensus reaching process, leading to repeat the consistency improving process, which is time consuming. In order to avoid repeating the consistency improving process, a consensus reaching process with individual consistency control is proposed in this paper. This novel consensus approach is based on the design of an optimization-based consensus rule, which can be used to determine the adjustment range of each preference value guaranteeing the individual consistency across the process. Finally, theoretical and numerical analysis are both used to justify the validity of our proposal.


