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Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers
Biological Conservation ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.01.020
Francisco Sánchez-Bayo , Kris A.G. Wyckhuys

Abstract Biodiversity of insects is threatened worldwide. Here, we present a comprehensive review of 73 historical reports of insect declines from across the globe, and systematically assess the underlying drivers. Our work reveals dramatic rates of decline that may lead to the extinction of 40% of the world's insect species over the next few decades. In terrestrial ecosystems, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and dung beetles (Coleoptera) appear to be the taxa most affected, whereas four major aquatic taxa (Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera) have already lost a considerable proportion of species. Affected insect groups not only include specialists that occupy particular ecological niches, but also many common and generalist species. Concurrently, the abundance of a small number of species is increasing; these are all adaptable, generalist species that are occupying the vacant niches left by the ones declining. Among aquatic insects, habitat and dietary generalists, and pollutant-tolerant species are replacing the large biodiversity losses experienced in waters within agricultural and urban settings. The main drivers of species declines appear to be in order of importance: i) habitat loss and conversion to intensive agriculture and urbanisation; ii) pollution, mainly that by synthetic pesticides and fertilisers; iii) biological factors, including pathogens and introduced species; and iv) climate change. The latter factor is particularly important in tropical regions, but only affects a minority of species in colder climes and mountain settings of temperate zones. A rethinking of current agricultural practices, in particular a serious reduction in pesticide usage and its substitution with more sustainable, ecologically-based practices, is urgently needed to slow or reverse current trends, allow the recovery of declining insect populations and safeguard the vital ecosystem services they provide. In addition, effective remediation technologies should be applied to clean polluted waters in both agricultural and urban environments.



摘要 昆虫的生物多样性在世界范围内受到威胁。在这里,我们全面回顾了全球 73 份昆虫数量减少的历史报告,并系统地评估了潜在的驱动因素。我们的工作揭示了急剧下降的速度,这可能导致未来几十年世界上 40% 的昆虫物种灭绝。在陆地生态系统中,鳞翅目、膜翅目和蜣螂(鞘翅目)似乎是受影响最大的类群,而四种主要的水生类群(蜻蜓目、鳞翅目、毛翅目和蜉蝣目)已经失去了相当比例的物种。受影响的昆虫群体不仅包括占据特定生态位的专家,还包括许多常见和通才物种。与此同时,少数物种的丰度正在增加;这些都是适应性强的,占据衰落者留下的空位的通才物种。在水生昆虫中,栖息地和饮食通才以及耐污染物种正在取代农业和城市环境中水域经历的大量生物多样性丧失。物种减少的主要驱动因素似乎按重要性排序:i) 栖息地丧失和向集约化农业和城市化的转变;ii) 污染,主要是由合成农药和化肥造成的;iii) 生物因素,包括病原体和引进物种;iv) 气候变化。后一个因素在热带地区尤为重要,但仅影响温带寒冷气候和山区环境中的少数物种。重新思考当前的农业实践,尤其迫切需要大幅减少农药的使用,并以更可持续的生态做法取而代之,以减缓或扭转当前的趋势,使不断减少的昆虫种群得以恢复,并保护它们提供的重要生态系统服务。此外,应采用有效的修复技术来清洁农业和城市环境中的污染水体。