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Accretion disks in luminous young stellar objects
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review ( IF 27.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s00159-015-0089-z
M. T. Beltrán , W. J. de Wit

An observational review is provided of the properties of accretion disks around young stars. It concerns the primordial disks of intermediate- and high-mass young stellar objects in embedded and optically revealed phases. The properties were derived from spatially resolved observations and, therefore, predominantly obtained with interferometric means, either in the radio/(sub)millimeter or in the optical/infrared wavelength regions. We make summaries and comparisons of the physical properties, kinematics, and dynamics of these circumstellar structures and delineate trends where possible. Amongst others, we report on a quadratic trend of mass accretion rates with mass from T Tauri stars to the highest mass young stellar objects and on the systematic difference in mass infall and accretion rates.



对年轻恒星周围吸积盘的特性进行了观察审查。它涉及处于嵌入和光学显示阶段的中质量和高质量年轻恒星物体的原始盘。这些特性来自空间分辨的观测,因此主要通过干涉测量手段获得,无论是在无线电/(亚)毫米还是在光学/红外波长区域。我们对这些星周结构的物理特性、运动学和动力学进行了总结和比较,并在可能的情况下描绘了趋势。其中,我们报告了质量吸积率的二次趋势,从 T Tauri 星到最高质量的年轻恒星物体的质量,以及质量下降和吸积率的系统差异。