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Galaxies, Globular Clusters, and Dark Matter
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ( IF 26.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-18 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-astro-091916-055249
Kenneth C. Freeman 1

This is an autobiographical account of my scientific career. My main research interest is the structure and assembly of galaxies. The assembly narrative has evolved from the monolithic and baryonic collapse picture of the early 1960s to the current hierarchical scenario underpinned by dark matter, and is still evolving. Technology has changed: CCDs replaced photographic plates and image tubes, large optical telescopes are much larger and instruments are much better, Galactic archaeology is supported by vast stellar surveys, and we have space astronomy and radio synthesis telescopes. The article describes the scientific areas in which I have worked and the colleagues who have influenced my progress. I have much to be grateful for: the people who have mentored and supported me over the years, the privilege of long-term collaborations, and the pleasure of advising many Ph.D. students and postdocs.



这是我科学生涯的自传。我的主要研究兴趣是星系的结构和组装。组装叙事已经从 1960 年代初期的整体和重子坍缩图演变为当前以暗物质为基础的分层情景,并且仍在不断发展。技术发生了变化:CCD 取代了照相底片和显像管,大型光学望远镜更大,仪器更好,银河考古学得到了大量恒星调查的支持,我们有了空间天文学和射电合成望远镜。这篇文章描述了我工作过的科学领域以及影响我进步的同事。我有很多要感谢的:多年来指导和支持我的人,长期合作的特权,以及为许多博士提供建议的乐趣。学生和博士后。