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Astrophysics with Extraterrestrial Materials
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ( IF 26.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-19 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-astro-082214-122505
Larry R. Nittler 1 , Fred Ciesla 2

Extraterrestrial materials, including meteorites, interplanetary dust, and spacecraft-returned asteroidal and cometary samples, provide a record of the starting materials and early evolution of the Solar System. We review how laboratory analyses of these materials provide unique information, complementary to astronomical observations, about a wide variety of stellar, interstellar and protoplanetary processes. Presolar stardust grains retain the isotopic compositions of their stellar sources, mainly asymptotic giant branch stars and Type II supernovae. They serve as direct probes of nucleosynthetic and dust formation processes in stars, galactic chemical evolution, and interstellar dust processing. Extinct radioactivities suggest that the Sun's birth environment was decoupled from average galactic nucleosynthesis for some tens to hundreds of Myr but was enriched in short-lived isotopes from massive stellar winds or explosions shortly before or during formation of the Solar System. Radiometric dating of met...



外星物质,包括陨石、行星际尘埃和航天器返回的小行星和彗星样本,提供了太阳系起始物质和早期演化的记录。我们回顾了这些材料的实验室分析如何提供独特的信息,补充天文观测,关于各种恒星、星际和原行星过程。前太阳星尘颗粒保留了其恒星来源的同位素组成,主要是渐近巨星分支星和 II 型超新星。它们可作为恒星核合成和尘埃形成过程、星系化学演化和星际尘埃处理的直接探测器。灭绝的放射性表明太阳' 出生环境与平均银河核合成脱钩了数十到数百密尔,但富含来自太阳系形成之前或形成期间不久的大量恒星风或爆炸的短寿命同位素。金属的放射性测年...