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Carbon–Halogen Bond Activation by Selenium-Based Chalcogen Bonding
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-06 11:01:00 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.201704816
Patrick Wonner 1 , Lukas Vogel 1 , Maximilian Düser 1 , Luís Gomes 1 , Florian Kniep 1 , Bert Mallick 1 , Daniel B. Werz 2 , Stefan M. Huber 1

Chalcogen bonding is a little explored noncovalent interaction similar to halogen bonding. This manuscript describes the first application of selenium-based chalcogen bond donors as Lewis acids in organic synthesis. To this end, the solvolysis of benzhydryl bromide served as a halide abstraction benchmark reaction. Chalcogen bond donors based on a bis(benzimidazolium) core provided rate accelerations relative to the background reactivity by a factor of 20–30. Several comparative experiments provide clear indications that the observed activation is due to chalcogen bonding. The performance of the chalcogen bond donors is superior to that of a related brominated halogen bond donor.


