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Optimizing Recovery of Fracturing Fluid in Unconventional and Tight Gas Reservoirs Through Innovative Environmentally Friendly Flowback Additives
Journal of Molecular Liquids ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2024.124877
Khaled Abdelgawad , Ahmed Essam , Sivabalan Sakthivel , Ahmed Farid Ibrahim

Hydraulic fracturing, a method used to stimulate oil and gas from shale and tight formations, faces challenges like fluid blockage and fast declining oil or gas production rates due to the significant impact of capillary forces on water retention. To address this, surfactants and microemulsions are commonly employed as flowback additives to reduce surface and interfacial tension, enhancing water recovery during hydraulic fracturing. The effectiveness of flowback additives is highly impacted by harsh subsurface conditions, such as high salinity and high temperature. This study aims to assess the performance and effectiveness of methylimidazolium chloride-based ionic liquids as flowback additives at high salinities and temperatures.


