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Noble metal nanoparticles encapsulated smart microgels: A critical review
Journal of Molecular Liquids ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2024.124869
Muhammad Arif

There has been an extensive on the combination of noble metal nanoparticles with smart polymer microgels over the past decade. These hybrid systems exhibit distinct characteristics which make them effective for diverse applications of biological, environmental, and catalytical fields. The intrinsic responsiveness of microgels within these hybrid microgels produces significant potential across a broad spectrum of applications. The available data of literature encompasses a variety of morphologies and designs of noble metal nanoparticles encapsulated microgels. The design of these hybrid microgels significantly influences their efficiency. Therefore, distinct noble metal nanoparticle encapsulated microgels are designed according to their applications. This review article provides a summary of the latest developments concerning the classification, synthesis, features, analysis, and applications of noble metal nanoparticles containing hybrid microgels. Furthermore, the report presents a tutorial-style exploration of the most recent advancements in the application of hybrid microgels across biomedical, catalytic, adsorptions, environmental, and sensing fields.


