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Nanozyme-enabled microfluidic biosensors: A promising tool for on-site food safety analysis
Trends in Food Science & Technology ( IF 15.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2024.104486
Xiru Zhang , Danqing Zhu , Xinyan Yang , Chaoxin Man , Yujun Jiang , Qianyu Zhao , Xianlong Zhang

Food safety as a critical topic of international concern has obtained increasing attention worldwide. Thus, it is of great significance to develop sensitive, accurate, and rapid detection methods for food safety analysis. In recent years, emerging nanozymes have become a promising alternative to natural enzymes for the development of biosensors to achieve food safety analysis due to their simpler preparation processes, more robust activity, higher stability, higher recycling efficiency, and lower cost compared with that of natural enzymes. To achieve portable and on-site detection, nanozyme-based biosensors have been successfully integrated with advanced microfluidic devices (e.g., microfluidic chips) for the construction of nanozyme-enabled microfluidic biosensors to realize the rapid detection of food contaminants. In this review, we summarized the latest advances on nanozyme-enabled microfluidic biosensors and their applications in the field of food safety analysis. Firstly, a comprehensive summary and discussion on the catalytic mechanisms and roles of nanozymes for the construction of biosensors were conducted. Then, attention was focused on the nanozyme-enabled microfluidic biosensors and their applications in the field of food safety analysis, including the detection of foodborne pathogens, mycotoxins, heavy metal ions, and pesticide residues. Impressively, the remaining challenges and chances in this significant and promising field were proposed. Emerging nanozymes have been successfully combined with microfluidic technology, opening a new avenue for rapid, sensitive, and on-site food safety analysis.


