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Experiments and modeling of the coupled viscoelasticity and Mullins effect in filled rubber materials
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105650
Keven Alkhoury , Robert Ivko , Mokarram Hossain , Siva Nadimpalli , Shawn A. Chester

Filled rubber-like materials are widely used in engineering applications, and are known to exhibit a rate-dependent non-linear inelastic behavior, and stress-softening, also known as the Mullins effect is frequently encountered. In this work, we characterized and modeled the constitutive response of a handful of commercially available filled rubber-like materials. We first perform a set of large-deformation uniaxial experiments at room temperature and at multiple rates. Those experimental findings are used to develop and calibrate a thermodynamically consistent constitutive model, which is then numerically implemented in a finite element package by writing a user material subroutine. The constitutive model is validated by comparing the results of an inhomogeneous experiment and simulation. A key finding of this work is that the mechanisms that cause the Mullins effect appear to be the main drivers of viscoelasticity in the materials used here.


填充橡胶材料中粘弹性和 Mullins 效应耦合的实验和建模
