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Stability of axion-dilaton wormholes
Physical Review D ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.109.086022
Caroline Jonas , George Lavrelashvili , Jean-Luc Lehners

We study the perturbative stability of Euclidean axion-dilaton wormholes that asymptotically approach flat space, both with a massless and a massive dilaton, and focus on homogeneous perturbations. We find massless wormholes to always be perturbatively stable. The phenomenologically more relevant case of a massive dilaton presents us with a wide variety of wormhole solutions, depending on the dilaton coupling and mass, and on the axion charge. We find that the solutions with the smallest dilaton potential are perturbatively stable and dominant, even in cases where the wormhole solutions are not continuously connected to the massless case by decreasing the mass. For branches of solutions emanating from a bifurcation point, one side of the branch always contains a negative mode in its spectrum, rendering such solutions unstable. The existence of classes of perturbatively stable wormhole solutions with massive dilaton sharpens the puzzles associated with Euclidean wormholes.


