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FK-FEM hybrid method for analysis of seismic responses in dislocated mountains
Applied Mathematical Modelling ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2024.04.032
Lijia Jin , Zhenning Ba , Jisai Fu

This paper proposes a hybrid method to analyze seismic responses from the source to complex terrain. The hybrid method is based on the domain reduction idea, dividing the overall model into global domain (including the source and propagation path) and local domain (including complex terrain). For the propagation of seismic wave fields in the global domain, a frequency-wavenumber method based on the exact dynamic stiffness matrix is adopted. For the local domain, the finite element method combined with the artificial boundary substructure method is used to analyze the seismic response of complex terrain. The advantage of this hybrid method is that the frequency-wavenumber method can accurately and efficiently calculate the three-component ground motion of the global large-scale model, while the finite element method has a variety of elements and constitutive models, which can finely simulate the local complex terrain. We take the Zigong Xishan Park site as the research object, and verify the correctness of the hybrid method. Based on this, we use the hybrid method to simulate the seismic response of the site, focusing on the propagation process of seismic waves on the mountain surface, the spatial distribution of peak ground displacement, and the effects of crustal velocity structure and source parameters on the seismic response of the mountain. The results show that the propagation of seismic waves and the distribution of peak ground displacement are closely related to changes in terrain, and the crustal velocity structure and source parameters have significant effects on the seismic response of the mountain.


