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Biomimetic soft-legged robotic locomotion, interactions and transitions in terrestrial, aquatic and multiple environments
Sustainable Materials and Technologies ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.susmat.2024.e00930
Zhilin Yu , Alin Duan , Zhisen Zhu , Wenling Zhang

In the field of mobile robots, legged robots have unique advantages including strong terrain adaptability, good obstacle-crossing performance, and high mobility. With the development of soft materials, soft-legged robots have become more flexible and compliant, exhibiting better adaptation to the environment. Current research focuses on utilizing the flexibility of soft-legged robots to adapt them to certain environments while enhancing their motion efficiency. With a shift from single to multi-environment applications of robotics, transition motion has also been emphasized. This review first categorizes soft-legged robots according to their motion behaviors in different environments—horizontal land, vertical walls, underwater and amphibious conditions—and systematically describes the structural design and locomotion gaits of soft-legged robots that are highly relevant to different environmental operations. Second, the three main actuation mechanisms, namely, pressure, electric, and magnetic actuations, are summarized, and the control strategies are analyzed. Finally, the outlook of soft-legged robotic applications in rescue operations, military reconnaissance, and space exploration is presented.


