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Racial Stereotypes and Counter-Narratives in Children’s Literature: Critical Content Analysis Using AsianCrit
Early Childhood Education Journal ( IF 1.656 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10643-024-01660-6
Shin Ae Han , Hyeungok Kang , Shinho Kim

This study examines the representations of Asian American children and their families in children’s literature, utilizing Asian Critical Race Theory (AsianCrit) to analyze stereotypical portrayals and emphasize counter-narratives. In this study, we conducted a critical content analysis to identify themes in the underlying messages in the children’s literature. As a result, we identified four themes among the selected literature: (1) stereotypical representation of Asian American children and families, (2) counter-narratives against the perpetual foreigner myth, (3) counter-narratives against the model minority myth, and (4) literature as spaces for honoring Asian American voices. Our findings highlight the need to critically examine race discourse in children’s literature to acknowledge and validate the diverse experiences of Asian Americans, moving beyond the model minority and perpetual foreigner myths.


儿童文学中的种族刻板印象和反叙事:使用 AsianCrit 进行批评内容分析

