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Low temperature one-step synthesis of Ag nanoparticles on BaTiO3 for synergistic piezo-photocatalytic properties
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.133948
Zhiwen Hu , Weixia Dong , Zihao Dong , Ping Li , Qifu Bao , Tihao Cao , Gaolin Zhao

It is a major constraint that complex synthesis methods limit the application of catalysts. Herein, Ag/BaTiO catalyst is synthesized via a facile method, which demonstrates the outstanding catalytic properties. Investigations reveal that Ag-loading BaTiO could increase carrier concentration, reduce the electronic impedance and enhance carrier’s separation efficiency under ultrasonic vibration, leading to superior piezocatalytic performance. Therefore, Ag/BaTiO catalyst presents the high degradation efficiency of 95.4 % in 50 min for RhB dye solution at light illumination and ultrasonic vibration. Moreover, when Ag content is 0.33 %, the degradation ratio of the sample still remains 81.9 % after 5th cycles, which indicates Ag/BaTiO catalyst has good stability. This work provides a novel and easy implement strategy for designing high performance catalysts, and could be extended to other catalytic material.


BaTiO3 上低温一步合成银纳米颗粒以实现协同压电光催化性能
