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Targeted mitochondrial fluorescence probe with large stokes shift for detecting viscosity changes in vivo and in ferroptosis process
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2024.124246
Meixia Tan , Wei Li , Hongxing He , Jin Wang , Yan Chen , Yuelin Guo , Tiansheng Lin , Fang Ke

We created four fluorescent sensors in our work to determine the viscosity of mitochondria. Following screening, the probe Mito-3 was chosen because in contrast to the other three probes, it had a greater fluorescence enhancement, large Stokes shift (113 nm) and had a particular response to viscosity that was unaffected by polarity or biological species. As the viscosity increased from PBS to 90 % glycerol, the fluorescence intensity of probe at 586 nm increased 17-fold. Mito-3 has strong biocompatibility and is able to track changes in cell viscosity in response to nystatin and monensin stimulation. Furthermore, the probe has been successfully applied to detect changes in viscosity caused by nystatin and monensin in zebrafish. Above all, the probe can be applied to the increase in mitochondrial viscosity that accompanies the ferroptosis process. Mito-3 has the potential to help further study the relationship between viscosity and ferroptosis.



我们在工作中创建了四个荧光传感器来确定线粒体的粘度。经过筛选,选择了探针 Mito-3,因为与其他三种探针相比,它具有更大的荧光增强、大的斯托克斯位移 (113 nm),并且对粘度具有特殊的响应,且不受极性或生物物种的影响。随着粘度从 PBS 增加到 90% 甘油,探针在 586 nm 处的荧光强度增加了 17 倍。 Mito-3 具有很强的生物相容性,能够跟踪制霉菌素和莫能菌素刺激下细胞粘度的变化。此外,该探针已成功应用于检测制霉菌素和莫能菌素引起的斑马鱼粘度变化。最重要的是,该探针可应用于铁死亡过程中线粒体粘度的增加。 Mito-3 有潜力帮助进一步研究粘度和铁死亡之间的关系。