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Pore-scale study of the dynamic evolution of multi-phase seepage parameters during hydrate dissociation in clayey silt hydrate-bearing sediments
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131178
Yaobin Li , Tianfu Xu , Xin Xin , Bo Yang , Yingli Xia , Yingqi Zang , Yilong Yuan , Huixing Zhu

Unlike conventional oil and gas sources, natural gas hydrate (NGH) is stored in solid form within the pores of loose submarine sediments. Production by any method poses a complex problem involving phase transition and multi-phase flow of gas and water. The evolution of hydrate dissociation from the solid phase to gas and liquid phases in a hydrate reservoir is a dynamic process incorporating pore structure and multi-phase seepage. The solid–gas-liquid phase dissociation of NGH affects reservoir seepage properties by altering the micropore structure of the hydrate-bearing sediments. This study, based on the lattice Boltzmann method of modeling fluids flow, clearly demonstrates the micropore-scale changes in pressure and heat transfer that take place during hydrate dissociation. Pore-scale heterogeneity is found to influence the complex development of hydrates in a porous clayey silt medium during dissociation. The effect of hydrate, gas and water saturation on the evolution of relative permeability is identified, and the relationship between relative permeability and hydrate saturation during hydrate dissociation is quantified. These findings provide theoretical support for the implementation of marine natural gas hydrate production testing and future commercial production in China.


