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Comprehensive evaluation of natural ventilation potential of buildings in urban areas under the influence of multiple environment-related factors
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109218
Jie Xiong , Baizhan Li , C. Alan Short , Prashant Kumar , Christopher Pain

Realistic natural ventilation potential estimation is critical for energy-efficient building design. For buildings in urban areas, evaluations using design expectations tend to overestimate potential. This study presents a comprehensive framework and corresponding method to predict the natural ventilation potential of buildings, integrating multiple key environmental factors of climate features, local wind status, and air pollution level. It addresses their complex interplay. Climate impacts are evaluated through simulating using a pre-set natural ventilation rate. Computational fluid dynamics models typical neighbourhood wind fields, giving empirical wind pressure coefficient distributions by layout and wind direction to enable real-time ventilation rate calculation. Substituting real-time for pre-set rates, the natural ventilation potential considering the community layout can be obtained. Based on the data-driven rapid pollutant prediction model established in the previous study, the predictions of the temporal and spatial distributions of particulate matter can be obtained. Filtering excessive pollution periods yields air quality-integrated potentials. Natural ventilation potentials are compared under different analysis scenarios for a case-study building. Hotter climates and more frequent heatwaves lower the potential. Morphology-based potentials are significantly lower than design expectations using constant ventilation rates. Deteriorating urban air quality also directly limits ventilation use, substantially decreasing potentials when filtering for poor conditions. By capturing complex environmental interactions, this research provides a robust platform to reveal localization potentials and limitations.


