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A Study on the Analysis of Public User Expectations for the Metaverse Library Services
Libri ( IF 0.667 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1515/libri-2022-0001
Younghee Noh 1

This study examined the possibility of applying the Metaverse concept to the library, and to this end, we investigated representative Metaverse implementation cases and library implementation cases, analyzed them comprehensively, and discussed the service direction to be pursued when Metaverse libraries are implemented. The results of the study found that: first, there were not many cases of research or construction on Metaverse libraries; and second, users have high expectations for Metaverse libraries. Users expect that when Metaverse libraries are established, there will be more services and programs available, and that cooperation and communication with the library will be smooth. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively utilize and supplement each of the advantages and disadvantages in connection with the current physical library.


