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Evaluation of Short- and Long-Term Outcomes After Resection in Patients with Locally Advanced versus (Borderline) Resectable Pancreatic Cancer.
Annals of Surgery ( IF 9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000006289
Lilly J.H. Brada 1, 2, 3 , Thijs J. Schouten 1 , Lois A. Daamen 1 , Leonard W.F. Seelen 1 , Marieke S. Walma 1 , Ronald van Dam 4, 5 , Ignace H. de Hingh 6, 7 , Mike S.L. Liem 8 , Vincent E. de Meijer 9 , Gijs A. Patijn 10 , Sebastiaan Festen 11 , Martijn W.J. Stommel 12 , Koop Bosscha 13 , Marc G. Besselink 2, 3 , Hjalmar C. van Santvoort 1 , Izaak Quintus Molenaar 1 ,

This study aims to evaluate short- and long-term outcomes following pancreatectomy in patients with LAPC compared to (B)RPC patients.



本研究旨在评估 LAPC 患者与 (B)RPC 患者胰腺切除术后的短期和长期结果。