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Below-ground arthropod diversity in conventional and organic vineyards: A review
Crop Protection ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2024.106666
F. Di Giovanni , F. Nardi , F. Frati , M. Migliorini

Viticulture is one of the most important agricultural sectors in the Mediterranean area but also one with substantial impact on the soil ecosystem. Some of the most common practices in viticulture, such as tillage, inter-row management, fertilization and use of pesticides, can have important effects on soil communities. The latter significantly contribute to several fundamental soil processes such as decomposition, nutrient and carbon cycling, and microbiota regulation. In perspective, it is therefore necessary to assess the effects of agronomical practices on soil biological communities. The increasing shift towards organic viticulture is seen as a promising management model to maintain soil functionality and preserve soil biodiversity. Below, we present an appraisal of the main practices in conventional and organic viticulture and their possible effects on soil mesofauna. Understanding the extent to which organic practices contribute to maintaining/altering soil functionality and biodiversity is a fundamental step towards the development of an environmentally sustainable viticulture.


