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Deportations of Roma from Hungary and the Mass Killing at Kamianets-Podilskyi in 1941
Holocaust and Genocide Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1093/hgs/dcae010
Anders E B Blomqvist 1

At the end of August 1941, the Nazi German Einsatzgruppe, together with German Police Battalion 320 and Ukrainian auxiliaries, killed approximately 23,600 persons (mainly Jews) at Kamianets-Podilskyi. While some researchers assert that Roma were deported from Hungary and Hungarian-occupied Transcarpathia (present-day Ukraine) despite the absence of official reports, other scholars argue that Hungarian leaders may have planned to ethnically “cleanse” the area of Roma, but the plan was never executed, resulting in no deportations or deaths. This article presents new findings that support the former position, and argues that roughly one thousand Roma were expelled from Transcarpathia. New evidence includes a report detailing the ongoing operation to expel Roma, census data indicating a significant reduction in the Roma population near the border, as well as indications that individuals other than Jews were expelled, likely Roma. Only circumstantial evidence—verbal orders to eliminate Roma and reports of Roma killings by the same special commando in different locations—supports the claim that Roma were killed in the August 1941 massacre, though later reports from 1942 explicitly identify Roma victims. After analyzing this new evidence, the author supports the claim that Roma were deported and potentially killed earlier than had previously been known.


1941 年,罗姆人被驱逐出匈牙利以及卡缅涅茨-波多利斯基大屠杀

1941 年 8 月底,纳粹德国特别行动队与德国警察第 320 营和乌克兰辅助部队在卡缅涅茨-波多利斯基杀害了约 23,600 人(主要是犹太人)。虽然一些研究人员声称,尽管没有官方报告,罗姆人还是被驱逐出匈牙利和匈牙利占领的外喀尔巴阡山脉(今乌克兰),但其他学者则认为,匈牙利领导人可能计划对罗姆人地区进行种族“清洗”,但该计划从未被处决,没有导致驱逐或死亡。本文提出了支持前一种观点的新发现,并认为大约有 1000 名罗姆人被驱逐出外喀尔巴阡山脉。新证据包括一份详细说明正在进行的驱逐罗姆人行动的报告、表明边境附近罗姆人人口大幅减少的人口普查数据,以及有迹象表明除犹太人之外的其他人(可能是罗姆人)被驱逐。只有间接证据——消灭罗姆人的口头命令以及同一特种突击队在不同地点杀害罗姆人的报道——支持罗姆人在 1941 年 8 月大屠杀中被杀害的说法,尽管 1942 年后来的报告明确指出了罗姆人受害者的身份。在分析了这一新证据后,作者支持了罗姆人被驱逐出境并可能比之前已知的更早被杀害的说法。