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Evaluation of pancreatic cancer specimens for comprehensive genomic profiling
Pathology International ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1111/pin.13416
Kota Washimi 1 , Yukihiko Hiroshima 2, 3 , Shinya Sato 1, 4 , Makoto Ueno 5 , Satoshi Kobayashi 5 , Naoto Yamamoto 6 , Chie Hasegawa 1 , Emi Yoshioka 1 , Kyoko Ono 1 , Yoichiro Okubo 1 , Tomoyuki Yokose 1 , Yohei Miyagi 3, 4

Inadequate specimen quality or quantity hinders comprehensive genomic profiling in identifying actionable mutations and guiding treatment strategies. We investigated the optimal conditions for pancreatic cancer specimen selection for comprehensive genomic profiling. We retrospectively analyzed 213 pancreatic cancer cases ordered for comprehensive genomic profiling and compared results from pancreatic biopsy, liver biopsy of pancreatic cancer metastases, pancreatectomy, liquid, and nonliver metastatic organ specimens. We examined preanalytical conditions, including cellularity (tumor cell count/size). The successfully tested cases were those that underwent comprehensive genomic profiling tests without any issues. The successfully tested case ratio was 72.8%. Pancreatic biopsy had the highest successfully tested case ratio (87%), with a high tumor cell percentage, despite the small number of cells (median, 3425). Pancreatic biopsy, liver biopsy of pancreatic cancer metastases, and non‐liver metastatic organ had higher successfully tested case ratios than that for pancreatectomy. Liver biopsy of pancreatic cancer metastases and pancreatectomy cases with tumor size (mm2) × tumor ratio (%) > 150 and >3000, respectively, had high successfully tested case ratios. The success of comprehensive genomic profiling is significantly influenced by the tumor cell ratio, and pancreatic biopsy is a potentially suitable specimen for comprehensive genomic profiling.



样本质量或数量不足阻碍了全面的基因组分析,无法识别可操作的突变并指导治疗策略。我们研究了胰腺癌标本选择的最佳条件,以进行全面的基因组分析。我们回顾性分析了 213 例进行全面基因组分析的胰腺癌病例,并比较了胰腺活检、胰腺癌转移肝活检、胰腺切除术、液体和非肝转移器官标本的结果。我们检查了分析前条件,包括细胞结构(肿瘤细胞计数/大小)。成功测试的病例是那些经过全面基因组分析测试且没有任何问题的病例。检测成功率为72.8%。胰腺活检的成功率最高(87%),尽管细胞数量较少,但肿瘤细胞百分比较高(中位数为 3425)。胰腺活检、胰腺癌转移肝活检和非肝转移器官的成功检测率高于胰腺切除术。胰腺癌转移灶肝活检及胰腺切除病例肿瘤大小(mm)2) × 肿瘤比率 (%) 分别> 150 和 > 3000,测试成功率较高。全面基因组分析的成功很大程度上受肿瘤细胞比例的影响,而胰腺活检是全面基因组分析的潜在合适样本。