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Pancreatic adenocarcinoma treated with surgical resection, toceranib phosphate and firocoxib in a dog: a case report
Veterinary Research Communications ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11259-024-10349-5
Manuel Fuertes-Recuero , Esther Vázquez-Fernández , Guillermo Lizasoain-Sánz , Amanda Arroba-Alonso , Alejandro Sánchez-López , Elena Martínez-de-Merlo , María Suárez-Redondo , Gustavo Ortiz-Diez

Exocrine pancreatic carcinomas are rarely reported in dogs. A ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a 10-year-old intact beagle is described in this report. The diagnosis was made based on clinical signs, imaging (abdominal ultrasound and CT scan) and histopathology. Treatment consisted of partial right lobe pancreatectomy followed by adjuvant therapy with toceranib phosphate (Palladia®) and firocoxib (Previcox®) for six months. The treatment was well tolerated, and the survival time was 445 days. To our knowledge, this is the longest survival reported in the literature for a dog diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The results described here may contribute to provide a better understanding about this neoplasia and potential treatment options.



狗的外分泌胰腺癌很少有报道。本报告描述了一只 10 岁完整比格犬的胰腺导管腺癌。根据临床体征、影像学(腹部超声和 CT 扫描)和组织病理学做出诊断。治疗包括部分右叶胰腺切除术,然后使用磷酸托西尼布 (Palladia®) 和非罗昔布 (Previcox®) 进行为期六个月的辅助治疗。治疗耐受性良好,生存时间为445天。据我们所知,这是文献报道的被诊断患有外分泌胰腺腺癌的狗的最长生存期。这里描述的结果可能有助于更好地了解这种肿瘤和潜在的治疗选择。
