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Measuring insecticide resistance in a vacuum: exploring next steps to link resistance data with mosquito control efficacy
Journal of Medical Entomology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjae029
Áine Lehane 1 , Casey Parker‑Crockett 2 , Edmund Norris 3 , Sarah S Wheeler 4 , Laura C Harrington 1

Insecticide resistance is a great challenge facing mosquito operational control agencies across the United States, where few active ingredients with unique modes of action are available for use, increasing resistance pressure and further hampering resistance management strategies. Emergence and expansion of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes can be detected by resistance monitoring programs; however, there are gaps in our knowledge regarding the link between resistance bioassay results and operational control outcomes. Here, we review both public health and agricultural studies on pesticide resistance bioassays and control outcomes. A discussion on the main gaps in our knowledge of insecticide resistance and a review of resistance management practices is also presented. We conclude with research questions that can advance our understanding of resistance monitoring and control.


