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‘Everything is different here…’: The effects of mismatched mobility cultures and differential capacities on the urban vélomobility practices of refugee and asylum seeking women in Germany
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.850 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100771
Shahrzad Enderle

This qualitative case study delves into the subjective urban spatial experiences of asylum-seeking and refugee women and their vélomobility practices in their respective countries and in Germany. The study aims to address the following questions: How do these women perceive the vélomobility culture in their country of origin compared to the mobility culture in Germany? How has their transition to a new mobility culture and the acquisition of vélomobility capital influenced their daily mobility attitudes and mode choices? The study draws on the Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field, doxa and hysteresis effect as analytical framework. The findings highlight a significant disparity between the habitus of female refugees and the urban mobility culture of their host country. This research underscores the importance of offering opportunities and building capacities for forced immigrants through targeted intervention programs and initiatives, particularly during the early stages of their resettlement.


