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Individual differences in working memory predict the efficacy of experimenter‐manipulated gestures in first‐grade children
Child Development ( IF 5.661 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14083
Eliza L. Congdon 1

Why is instructional gesture ineffective in some contexts? And what is it about learners that predicts whether they will learn from gestures? This between‐subjects linear measurement training study compares gesture instruction to two controls—operant action and transient action—in a diverse sample of first‐grade students (N = 174, Mage = 7.01 years; Nfemale = 84; Nmale = 90, 10% Latinx‐identified; 70% White; 6% Black; 6% Asian; 18% multiple racial categories, Mincome = $59,750, SDincome ≈ $25,000; data collected 03/16–03/19). Results show that instructor‐manipulated gestures may be less effective than demonstrative actions in part because they are iterative and do not leave a lasting trace. Verbal working memory, but not spatial, positively predicted an ability to learn from gesture and transient action in children with the lowest context knowledge.



为什么教学手势在某些情况下无效?学习者如何预测他们是否会从手势中学习?这项受试者间线性测量训练研究将手势指令与两种控制(操作性动作和瞬时动作)进行了比较,这些样本来自不同的一年级学生样本(= 174,中号年龄= 7.01 年;女性= 84;男性= 90, 10% 为拉丁裔;70% 白色;6% 黑色;6% 亚洲人;18% 多个种族类别,中号收入= 59,750 美元,标准差收入约 25,000 美元;数据收集时间 03/16–03/19)。结果表明,教师操纵的手势可能不如示范动作有效,部分原因是它们是重复的并且不会留下持久的痕迹。言语工作记忆(而非空间记忆)可以积极预测情境知识最低的儿童从手势和短暂动作中学习的能力。