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Courts as an arena for socioenvironmental change: Lessons from the Argentine courts
European Law Journal  ( IF 1.396 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1111/eulj.12485
Asmaa Khadim

Trends in the Argentine courts indicate a judicial preference towards flexibility in light of possibly serious environmental consequences, particularly in relation to mining. Through a liberal interpretation of constitutional provisions where collective environmental rights are threatened, the courts have expanded access to justice, leading some to view the Argentine judiciary as “interventionist” or “political”. However, judicial decisions emphasise compliance with constitutional mandates without necessarily encroaching on policy‐making realms. The constitutionalisation of environmental rights has had a strong influence on the judiciary's approach, but in combination with other factors, particularly civic mobilisation, institutional changes and an evolving public ethos on environmental protection. Proactive judicial engagement with the full extent of its powers to ensure that policy‐makers meet their constitutionally mandated obligations can compel policy‐makers to address sustainability issues and rethink strategies. This positioning of the judiciary as a catalyst for more effective environmental governance offers useful insights for European courts.


