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Research Progress of Artificial Intelligence in the Grading and Classification of Meningiomas
Academic Radiology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acra.2024.02.003
Yuan Gui , Jing Zhang

A meningioma is a common primary central nervous system tumor. The histological features of meningiomas vary significantly depending on the grade and subtype, leading to differences in treatment and prognosis. Therefore, early diagnosis, grading, and typing of meningiomas are crucial for developing comprehensive and individualized diagnosis and treatment plans. The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical imaging, particularly radiomics and deep learning (DL), has contributed to the increasing research on meningioma grading and classification. These techniques are fast and accurate, involve fully automated learning, are non-invasive and objective, enable the efficient and non-invasive prediction of meningioma grades and classifications, and provide valuable assistance in clinical treatment and prognosis. This article provides a summary and analysis of the research progress in radiomics and DL for meningioma grading and classification. It also highlights the existing research findings, limitations, and suggestions for future improvement, aiming to facilitate the future application of AI in the diagnosis and treatment of meningioma.


